Volvo Construction Equipment

Best Practice 2024

BTH arrangerade “Best Practice, Pedagogy & Collegial Learning 2024”, ett tillfälle för anställda att kunna ta del av lärarkollegors kunskaper och erfarenheter gällande pedagogik och didaktik. Evenemanget var ett led i BTH’s utvecklingsarbete kring att främja den pedagogiska praktiken vid BTH.   Maskinteknik deltog med ett bidrag under dagen. I workshop-form presenterade de olika deltagarna sina best practices för kollegor för kunskapsspridning och diskussion.

Converge II project in construction funded!

The Energy Agency has approved the project “Converge II – CONVERGE II – A Solution for Energy Distribution in Road Construction and Quarries”, totaling 51 MSEK in budget. There is currently a lack of a satisfactory system solution for electrical energy distribution that serves a fleet of machines with 1) high utilization rates and 2) the ability to handle high...

AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

The industry is challenged to comply with increasingly demanding societal and customer needs. Various stakeholders must be engaged throughout the development process. Models and simulations are used to assess new solutions and optimize current ones, foresee decisions’ implications, and make them explainable within the company and with customers. However, diversity in background, knowledge, and expectations among the stakeholders, raises the...

Launching a new chapter with Sugar

Having run 11 projects in ME310, the PDRL Global Engineering student project will explore innovation opportunities in South America and Sweden this year. A team of four BTH students will collaborate with three students from USP in São Paulo and Volvo Construction Equipment in Sweden and Curitiba, Brazil. 

Congratulations Ryan Ruvald, Doctor of Philosophy!

Ryan Ruvald successfully defended his PhD thesis “Innovation in a Changing World: Exploring PSS Design through Prototyping” in front of some 50 people in the room and online. Ryan made a popular presentation of his research and took the audience through his findings and experiments and then landed in a summary of his findings. Ryan has been working within several applied...

Innovations in Construction Equipment and Trucking using a Biomimicry Approach – EXPE 2023

Recently, students from Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden and Stanford University collaborated on a project focusing on innovations in construction equipment and trucking through the application of Biomimicry principles. Over a span of nine months, four students from Blekinge and six students from Stanford embarked on an exciting journey to explore innovation opportunities in partnership with Volvo Group.

Congratulations Jenny Elfsberg, Doctor of Philosophy!

Jenny Elfsberg successfully defended her PhD thesis “Innovation Engineering in Practice: Bridging Exploration and Exploitation in Large Manufacturing Incumbents” in front of some 60 people in the room and online and after thorough questioning by the opponent Professor Martin Steinert (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) and the grading committee consisting of Professor Mario Štorga (University of Zagreb, Croatia),...

Innovations in Construction Equipment and Trucking using a Biomimicry Approach – EXPE 2023

Recently, students from Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden and Stanford University collaborated on a project focusing on innovations in construction equipment and trucking through the application of Biomimicry principles. Over a span of nine months, four students from Blekinge and six students from Stanford embarked on an exciting journey to explore innovation opportunities in partnership with Volvo Group.


CONVERGE – Solving the energy distribution in road construction Sweden has committed to meeting the Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2045. Transport in the construction industry, as a whole, uses 35% of global produced energy and annually releases 40% of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Today, approx. 6% of Sweden’s local emissions come from...

Wrapping up the Elektrifierad Infrastrukturbyggnation project

The “Elektrifierad Infrastrukturbyggnation” was a feasibility study conducted in close collaboration between Volvo Construction Equipment, Lund University and Blekinge University of Technology, funded by the Swedish Transport Administration. It aimed at investigating the conditions for carrying out major infrastructure projects emission- and fossil-free. The E20-Vårgårda-Bälinge road section was chosen as main case study in the project.