Alessandro Bertoni


Abstract The design of Product-Service Systems (PSS) is challenging due to the inherent complexities and the associated uncertainties. This challenge aggravates when the PSS being considered has a longer lifespan, is expected to encounter a dynamic context, and integrates many novel technologies. From systems engineering literature, one of the measures for mitigating the risks associated with the uncertainties is incorporating...

Incorporating changeability for value-robust product-service systems: an integrative review

Abstract The ongoing servitization journey of the manufacturing industries instills a through-life perspective of value, where a combination of products and services is delivered to meet expectations. Often described as a product-service system (PSS), these systems are poised with many complexity aspects, introducing uncertainties during the design phase. Incorporating changeability is one of the known strategies to deal with such...

BTH PDRL at the 24th International Conference on Engineering Design 2023

The 24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23) was held in Bordeaux, France, from July 24-28, 2023. The conference theme was “Design in a Complex World,” and it explored the challenges and opportunities of designing for a world that is increasingly complex, interconnected, and uncertain. The conference featured a variety of sessions, including plenary talks, podium presentations, discussion panels, and...

Digital Twins of Operational Scenarios in Mining for Design of Customized Product-Service Systems Solutions

Abstract The paper presents an approach, based on the development of digital twins, to support the transition toward electromobility and autonomy in the mining industry, by supporting the design space exploration of future operational scenarios based on different construction equipment and mining site configurations. With such an intent, the paper presents an approach combining systems and systems-of-systems simulations to run...

Future Fossil Free Rock Loading Solution | 2022-2025

The rock material industry is one of the 21 industries that participate and together these 21 cover more than 70 percent of the emissions in Sweden. Achieving the high environmental goals in rock material production requires not only a transition to fossil- and emission-free operations, but also new thinking in terms of process and new machine concepts. The approach is...


Abstract Prototypes are an established tool for rapidly increasing learning, communication and decision making rationale for design projects. The proven success has spawned a litany of approaches and methods for building and planning the efficient planning and construction of prototypes. Translating these methods into simple usable tools to assist novice designers has generated broadly applicable canvases to support prototyping across...

Model-Driven Product Service Systems design: the Model-Driven Development and Decision Support (MD3S) approach

Abstract: The paper presents a Model-Driven approach for Product-Service System (PSS) Design promoting an increased digitalization of the PSS design process based on the combination of data-driven design (DDD) activities and value-driven design (VDD) methods. The approach is the results of an 8-year long research profile named (omitted for blind review) featuring the collaboration between (omitted for blind review) and...

Net based education for Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 – NU4DI | 2021-2023

The project aligns with the BTH strategy of enlarging the recruitment base for distance studies including national and international students, capitalizing on the engineering and pedagogical competencies developed during a pluriannual research profile on Model-Driven Development and Decision Support (MD3S). In line with the BTH strategic directions, the project shall be seen as the first step of a larger initiative...