Omsri Aeddula

AI-Driven Predictive Maintenance for Autonomous Vehicles for Product-Service System Development

Abstract The paper presents an Artificial Intelligence-driven approach to predictive maintenance for Product-Service System (PSS) development. This study focuses on time-based and condition-based maintenance, utilizing variational autoencoders to identify both predicted and unpredicted maintenance issues in autonomous haulers. By analyzing data patterns and forecasting future values, this approach enables proactive maintenance and informed decision-making in the early stages of PSS...


Abstract The design of Product-Service Systems (PSS) is challenging due to the inherent complexities and the associated uncertainties. This challenge aggravates when the PSS being considered has a longer lifespan, is expected to encounter a dynamic context, and integrates many novel technologies. From systems engineering literature, one of the measures for mitigating the risks associated with the uncertainties is incorporating...

Congratulations Omsri Aeddula, Doctor of Philosophy!

Omsri Aeddula successfully defended his PhD thesis “Navigating Data Challenges: AI-Driven Decision Support for Product-Service System Development” in front of a full house of 50 people in the room and online. Omsri made a popular presentation of his research and took the audience through his findings and application cases within mechanical engineering and applied health technology, and then landed in a...

AI-Driven Comprehension of Autonomous Construction Equipment Behavior for Improved PSS Development

Abstract This paper presents an approach that utilizes artificial intelligence techniques to identify autonomous machine behavior patterns. The context for investigation involves a fleet of prototype autonomous haulers as part of a Product Service System solution under development in the construction and mining industry. The approach involves using deep learning-based object detection and computer vision to understand how prototype machines...

Results of objective brushing data recorded from a powered toothbrush used by elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment related to values for oral health

Abstract Objectives: The study aimed to investigate how the objective use of a powered toothbrush in frequency and duration affects plaque index, bleeding on probing, and periodontal pocket depth ≥ 4 mm in elderly individuals with MCI. A second aim was to compare the objective results with the participants’ self-estimated brush use. Materials and methods: Objective brush usage data was extracted...

BTH PDRL at the 24th International Conference on Engineering Design 2023

The 24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23) was held in Bordeaux, France, from July 24-28, 2023. The conference theme was “Design in a Complex World,” and it explored the challenges and opportunities of designing for a world that is increasingly complex, interconnected, and uncertain. The conference featured a variety of sessions, including plenary talks, podium presentations, discussion panels, and...

Uppfinnare för en dag – Hyperloop pod designers!

Produktutvecklingslabbet bjöd in till en eftermiddag i Karlskrona Makerspace där ungdomar fick delta i årets sportlovsaktivitet; att i team klura på design av en pod för Hyperloop och sedan implementera sina idéer.

A Solution with Bluetooth Low Energy Technology to Support Oral Healthcare Decisions for improving Oral Hygiene

Abstract The advent of powered toothbrushes and associated mobile health applications provides an opportunity to collect and monitor the data, however collecting reliable and standardized data from large populations has been associated with efforts from the participants and researchers. Finding a way to collect data autonomously and without the need for cooperation imparts the potential to build large knowledge banks....