Ryan Ruvald

Virtual Production Studio Lab inaugurated

For the past 2 years the Virtual Production Studio Lab project have been running with the ambition of taking the Model Driven Decision Arena research prototype into next level visualisation and simulation arena with a true dual use perepective to not only be a lab for enigneering research but also be a solution space for gaming, andcreative industries like film etc. Through a prototyping...

AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

The industry is challenged to comply with increasingly demanding societal and customer needs. Various stakeholders must be engaged throughout the development process. Models and simulations are used to assess new solutions and optimize current ones, foresee decisions’ implications, and make them explainable within the company and with customers. However, diversity in background, knowledge, and expectations among the stakeholders, raises the...

Launching a new chapter with Sugar

Having run 11 projects in ME310, the PDRL Global Engineering student project will explore innovation opportunities in South America and Sweden this year. A team of four BTH students will collaborate with three students from USP in São Paulo and Volvo Construction Equipment in Sweden and Curitiba, Brazil. 

Depeening the Virtual Production skills at BTH!

Generative AI Visiting and taking part at the Gothenburg Film Festival, BTH participated with an overview of application areas for generative video in movie production at Gothenburg Film Studio’s open film industry meeting, which this year focused on AI. Andrea Nordwall was the key person from BTH at the event.

AI-Driven Comprehension of Autonomous Construction Equipment Behavior for Improved PSS Development

Abstract This paper presents an approach that utilizes artificial intelligence techniques to identify autonomous machine behavior patterns. The context for investigation involves a fleet of prototype autonomous haulers as part of a Product Service System solution under development in the construction and mining industry. The approach involves using deep learning-based object detection and computer vision to understand how prototype machines...

BTH PDRL at the 24th International Conference on Engineering Design 2023

The 24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23) was held in Bordeaux, France, from July 24-28, 2023. The conference theme was “Design in a Complex World,” and it explored the challenges and opportunities of designing for a world that is increasingly complex, interconnected, and uncertain. The conference featured a variety of sessions, including plenary talks, podium presentations, discussion panels, and...

Innovations in Construction Equipment and Trucking using a Biomimicry Approach – EXPE 2023

Recently, students from Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden and Stanford University collaborated on a project focusing on innovations in construction equipment and trucking through the application of Biomimicry principles. Over a span of nine months, four students from Blekinge and six students from Stanford embarked on an exciting journey to explore innovation opportunities in partnership with Volvo Group.

Innovations in Construction Equipment and Trucking using a Biomimicry Approach – EXPE 2023

Recently, students from Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden and Stanford University collaborated on a project focusing on innovations in construction equipment and trucking through the application of Biomimicry principles. Over a span of nine months, four students from Blekinge and six students from Stanford embarked on an exciting journey to explore innovation opportunities in partnership with Volvo Group.

ME310 21-22 at ConExpo in Las Vegas

With the challenge of making alternative energy sources available on construction sites where there is no formal infrastructure, the mixed BTH and Stanford crew, together with Volvo Construction Equipment and Volvo Group, set out to explore solutions!