Tobias Larsson

Congratulations Jenny Elfsberg, Doctor of Philosophy!

Jenny Elfsberg successfully defended her PhD thesis “Innovation Engineering in Practice: Bridging Exploration and Exploitation in Large Manufacturing Incumbents” in front of some 60 people in the room and online and after thorough questioning by the opponent Professor Martin Steinert (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) and the grading...

Big thinking in Blekinge: How do you build a Moonshot?

To celebrate the fact that the Building Moonshot book was released the event “Big Thinking in Blekinge” was held with Blue Science Park and Blekinge Institute of Technology as organisers. Authors Tamara Carleton and  William R. Cockayne, both researchers and senior lecturers at Product Development Research Lab / Mechanical Engineering, started out with sharing nuggets and insights from the...

ME310 21-22 at ConExpo in Las Vegas

With the challenge of making alternative energy sources available on construction sites where there is no formal infrastructure, the mixed BTH and Stanford crew, together with Volvo Construction Equipment and Volvo Group, set out to explore solutions!


CONVERGE – Solving the energy distribution in road construction Sweden has committed to meeting the Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2045. Transport in the construction industry, as a whole, uses 35% of global produced energy and annually releases 40% of carbon dioxide into the...

DemoCreate | 2023

DemoCreate – Creative power for a democratic society DemoCreate är ett tvärgående, transformativt innovationsprogram för den kreativa sektorn. Genom att frigöra och förstärka den demokratiska och innovativa kraften hos kulturella och kreativa näringar är målet att bygga ett dynamiskt och inkluderande samhälle som värnar om alla medborgares grundläggande friheter. Arbetet...

Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024

The Virtual Production Studio Lab project is led by Blekinge Institute of Technology and will be a technically innovative arena and a place where the movie and gaming industry meets the traditional manufacturing industry and creates excellence in Blekinge. The VPSL will be the infrastructure foundation for a clustre within...

ISRU – Lunar mining and in-situ resource utilization | 2022-2023

The project will evaluate prospecting in lunar orbit and on the surface.  The study will consider mining and construction capabilities as well as in-situ processing of resources. The project is funded by Canadian Space Agency. Project info BTH project leader: Professor Tobias Larsson Time span: 2022-2023 Funding: $248,000 (Canadian Space Agency) Partners: Related links