Volvo Aero

Knowledge Sharing Across Boundaries: Web 2.0 and Product-Service System Development

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD’11. Abstract In recent years there has been a growing interest among product development organizations to capitalize on engineering knowledge as their core competitive advantage for innovation. Capturing, storing, retrieval, sharing and reusing of engineering knowledge from a wide range of enterprise memory systems have become...

A case study of how knowledge based engineering tools support experience re-use

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research into Design. Abstract A manufacturing company’s unique intellectual capital is to a large extent built on experience from its own product development and manufacturing processes. Thus, methods and tools to utilize and benefit from this experience in an efficient way have an impact on a company’s ability to...

METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization | 2009-2011

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: PROJECT SUMMARY This project, Mechanical whole engine conceptual design and analysis:  A MEthodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automation, is a continuation of the pilot study project NFFP4202 – Mechanical whole engine modelling where a platform, together with a pilot that demonstrated the capability of the platform in an industrial scenario, was developed. This continuation...

New research project within aerospace development!

2009-06: Division of Functional Product Development, in collaboration with Solid Mechanics, Material Mechanics, and Volvo Aero have been granted 4.4 MSEK over two years for “METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization”. The project intends to develop methodologies for analysis of whole engine concepts in aerospace applications using Systems Modelling and Simulation Driven Design and Product Development. One step...

Experience feedback | 2007-2009

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: V4103 Experience feedback 2007-2009 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY It is a central issue to be able to use the experience and knowledge in an organization in order to be competitive. Companies choose to specialize and focus on specific areas to some extent due to the reasoning that the company’s competitiveness will increase by offering products...

Congratulations Petter!

Congratulations Petter!

2008-11: Today Petter Andersson, Division of Functional Product Development, presented his Licentiate thesis titled “Reuse of manufacturing experience in product and process definitions” and can after completed mission title himself as Licentiate in Engineering. Petter is industrial Ph.D student at Volvo Aero and his work focuses on how to reuse experiences from manufacturing processes during design. The audience had the...

Simulation of Functional Products on a Sustainability Driven Market | 2008-2011

Knowledge Foundation and VINNOVA together with partner companies PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose is to develop an integrated approach to SPD (Sustainable Product Development) and FPD (Functional Product Development). The primary focus is on simulation support for prediction of risks and opportunities of extended value-chain cooperation around a full product life-cycle commitment. This is intended as input for prioritizations in product...

ProViking THINK kick-off!

2008-09: September 23 was the day for the ProViking THINK (Teams for Heterogeneous Innovation Knowledge) kick-off. Partner representatives took part in the meeting. The project has a budget of 15 MSEK over three years. A project within the Product-Service System area This project aims to support PSS development teams to innovate by putting forward facilitating methods and tools. Specifically, the...

Knowledge Engineering research gives Volvo Aero technology award!

2008-03: The Volvo Aero Technology Award 2008 has been awarded Lars-Ola Normark, Patrik Boart, Petter Andersson and Ola Isaksson for the development, implementation and deployment of an Automated Design Optimization tool in the development of Jet engine components in the GEnx programme. The Product Development Management board motivates the decision to award the Automated Design Optimization tool the Volvo Aero...

Experience feedback | 2007-2009

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: V4103 Experience feedback 2007-2009 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY It is a central issue to be able to use the experience and knowledge in an organization in order to be competitive. Companies choose to specialize and focus on specific areas to some extent due to the reasoning that the company’s competitiveness will increase by offering products...