The state of Product Service System Research – IPSS 2016

The 8th CIRP IPSS CONFERENCE Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle was held 20-21 June 2016 in Bergamo (Italy). PDRL participated with 4 papers and a keynote. The conference in total had 95 papers and about 130 participants, all glad to see the large industry participation. Industry is getting keen on understanding how they...

PDRL at the 8th CIRP IPS2 Conference

The 8th CIRP IPS2 conference will kick-off this weekend with a Welcome reception at Chiostro Santa Marta, in the beautiful city of Bergamo, in Northern Italy CIRP IPS2 is a major yearly event for PDRL. The conference gathers researchers worldwide to share theoretical and practical experiences showing that transition towards Industrial Product-Service System....

Flygforskningsprojektet VITUM beviljat av VINNOVA!

Projektet “VITUM – VIrtuell TUrbinModuldemonstrator” med en budget om 10.470.000 SEK blev idag beviljat inom VINNOVA’s forskningsprogram NFFP (Nationellt Flygtekniskt Forskningsprogram). Flygmotorer indelas i moduler, och därefter i komponenter. Genom att utmana denna indelning kan innovativa lösningar bidra till ökad funktionsprestanda och värde Detta projekt syftar till att demonstrera hur...