Measuring innovation seminar at INDEK11 conference

Measuring innovation seminar at INDEK11 conference

How do we know that we are innovative?  During the National Conference on Industrial Economics, INDEK’11, Professor Tobias Larsson held a session on “Measuring Innovation in Industrial Environment”. Participants in the session were, besides Tobias Larsson; Fredrik Nilsson (Associate Professor Design Sciences, Lund Unviersity), Niclas Nillroth (Global Director, Environmental Care...

Measuring Innovation in Teams – MINT | 2011-

2011- (ongoing) Objectives: Innovation capability is important for industrial companies today in order to be competitive on the market. But the questions are first, how can the current state of innovation capability be known? And second, what need to be undertaken to increase the innovative performance? These were the guiding questions behind this...

Measuring for Innovation – A Guide for Innovative Teams

White paper on measuring innovation team capability, with industrial cases. How do we know that we are innovative? This question was asked by a manager of a software development team with the explicit responsibility of creating and analyzing innovative product features before actual product development projects are started. Similar questions...

Many want to learn more about measuring for innovation

Many want to learn more about measuring for innovation

Within the PIEp research programme the research project on “Measuring Innovation in Teams – MINT” has focused important metrics to understand if teams are performing in terms of their innovation task at hand. An important and, according to the workshop attendance, very interesting area since the result of innovation efforts...