
Hyperloop pod design day for students

It could be seen as crazy, or at least a little bit on the side, to focus time and efforts on designing pods for Elon Musks Hyperloop idea, or? The reasoning behind this can be read in “Why right now is the perfect moment to launch a Hyperloop startup“. At our research lab it makes perfect sense to dive into...

The implementation of Innovation Metrics: A case study

The paper explores the implementation process of an innovation measuring system prototype to support a heavy machinery multinational company to secure their innovative capability. In general,companies recognize the importance of becoming innovative to become, or remain, competitive on a global market. The case company decided to pilot a metric system that corresponds to the crucial factors to secure innovative capability...

Book contribution

PhD candidate Babak Kianian, Professor Tobias Larsson, together with Sam Tavassoli (of Industrial Economics) will appear in the new book “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy – Knowledge, Technology and Internationalization” from Edward Elgar Publishing.

Urban Mining global innovation project with Stanford

Turning waste into value has been the topic of a global product development challenge for 11 students for the past year within the Stanford ME310 Global Design Innovation course. The innovation challenge was performed in collaboration with industrial partner Volvo Construction Equipment. The project culminated with a presentation at the prestigious Stanford EXPE. 

LittleBits school workshop

During a day, 9th grade kids were invited for an innovation workshop. Exploring efficiency (through assembling a torch faster and faster), planning, and innovation was the task at hand. Using littleBits, Lego Mindstorms, 3D printing and lowtech workshop material we explored the process of needfinding, ideation, and prototyping of solutions. Professor Tobias Larsson and PhD candidate Massimo Panarotto led the...

Exponential innovation workshop with 10X Labs & Ericsson

PDRL are Fellowship partners in 10X Labs, that aspire to create “a space, a culture & a method for building exponential innovation and solving the world’s most wicked problems”. Together with Ericsson, Volvo CE, Hyper Island, All Binary, BTH took part in an ideation event friday 17th. The event focused on ideation on problems of global scale, and participants were...

Building a pathway for innovation: Lessons learned from developing an online platform

Companies are constantly being pressured to innovate in order to stay competitive in the short run and have new offerings in the long run. One way of boosting innovation is to develop idea support systems that go beyond the traditional methods and tools. Through a qualitative study, this paper explores the lessons learned from developing an online platform for idea...