Design for Wellbeing

Designing integrated solutions for resource-limited societies

Abstract Poverty is characterized by many different constraints at individual, institutional, economic, and technological levels. To satisfy unmet or underserved needs of people living in poverty, it is essential to address all the relevant constraints in the target context through the design of integrated solutions. Although previous studies in this...

Humanitär innovation vid BTH

Institutionen för Maskinteknik vid BTH har en stark forskningsprofil inom teknisk produktutveckling; hållbar produktinnovation, främst med koppling till områden som flyg, rymd, fordon, transport samt tillverkande industri i allmänhet. Sedan ett år tillbaka har profilen utökats till att även innefatta tillämpningar inom humanitär innovation.

Health and Technology for All workshop at BTH!

Health and Technology for All workshop at BTH!

School of Health held October 27-28 a workshop at BTH to find needs and opportunities for collaboration between Blekinge Institute of Technology and Linköping University within the field of Applied Health Technology. The workshop was aimed as an event to exchange information on ongoing activities, and to make a common external analysis of present and future needs and opportunities in applied health technology, focusing on the theme “Health and Technology for all”. They also wanted to find...

Design for wellbeing

Abstract There is a growing need for engineering designers to engage in creative activities that result in innovative products and technologies for the benefit of society. However, from an engineering perspective, issues of ‘life quality’ are currently heavily under-prioritized, particularly with regard to people with disabilities. This paper argues that...