May 2017

Miljonchocken när KHK gör bokslut

Karlskrona HK flaggade för ett underskott på 5,5 miljoner kronor för säsongen 2016/2017. Det räcker inte. Inklusive avskrivningar blir förlusten drygt sex miljoner kronor.

Autonomous operation on display at Innovation Day 2017

On Innovation Day, a yearly demonstration event for Blue Science Park, BTH, and entrepreneurial companies, Product Development Research Laboratory debuted it’s Volvo CE collaboration project. The scale site and its scale Volvo machines serve as an interactive demonstration tool for the potential impact of autonomous and electrified vehicles on future construction sites, as well as it is a display of the innovation...

Techtank Expo @ BTH

On May 16, 2017, BTH had the pleasure of hosting the first ever Techtank Expo, where students, teachers and researchers got the chance to explore collaboration opportunities with representatives from Techtank member companies.