April 2010

DIM project seminar

2010-04: The Interreg IV A Nord research project DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing – has today held an open seminar at LTU. The project is a cross regional program that spans over the Northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Sápmi. The three academic partners, Narvik University College, Norway, Centria (a research unit of Central Ostrobothnia Polytechnic), Finland and Luleå...

PSS innovation – Discussing knowledge based tools

PSS innovation – Discussing knowledge based tools

Research paper published in Proceedings of 2nd CIRP IPS2 Conference 2010 – Industrial product-service systems (IPS²). Abstract Product-Service systems (PSS) introduce the alternative for manufacturing firms to address sustainability in early development. In aeronautic industry, sustainability is an issue that challenges the innovation capabilities. The question if engineering tools and software are apt to manage innovation aspects guides the study...

CIRP IPS2 conference in Linköping

CIRP IPS2 conference in Linköping

The international CIRP conference on Integrated Product Service Systems (IPS2) was held in Linköping April 13-17. With some 80 papers and 120 attendees from all over the world it was a key event for the research in product/service systems. The division contributed with 5 scientific papers. The CIRP IPS2 conference introduced a new format for the presentations. There were 5-6...

LTU bidrar till effektivisering av europeisk flygindustri

LTU bidrar till effektivisering av europeisk flygindustri

Den europeiska flygindustrin står inför sin största utmaning någonsin, då nya och hittills oprövade teknologier för ett miljövänligare flyg ska tas fram på ett avsevärt tids- och kostnadseffektivare sätt trots att flygplanens komplexitet ökar radikalt år från år. För att möta denna utmaning deltar Avdelningen för Funktionella produkter vid Luleå tekniska universitet i ett europeiskt forskningsprojekt med totalt 59 partners...