October 2009

Workshop at Gestamp Hardtech

2009-10: Åsa Ericson, Tobias Larsson and Marcus Sandberg from the Division of Functional product development visited Gestamp Hardtech and organised a workshop where the latest research was presented and discussions of future collaborations took place. Decisions are based on a number of different parameters. Gestamp Hardtech were represented by managers within product development and research. The workshop was started with...

ProViking result day 2009

The annual result day for ProViking was this year held at Aspenäs Manor outside Gothenburg, where 15 projects presented their results. ProViking is a national research program designed to create improved systems of production and new methods of product development. From Luleå University of Technology three projects participated; THINK, ProAct and InMaint. The presentations took place in showcases constructed by...