February 2009

Digital Integrated Manufacturing (DIM) funded!

Det gränsregionala samarbetsprogrammet Interreg IV A Nord höll sitt tredje styrkommittémöte i Tromsö och beviljade projektet DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing till Avdelningen för Funktionella produkter. Huvudsökande är Mellersta Österbottens yrkeshögskola, och medsökande Funktionella Produkter (Luleå tekniska universitet) och Högskolan i Narvik. Projektet varar i 2 år och har en budget om ca 9 MSEK. Syftet med projektet är att...

FUNKTIONEERING Magazine, No. 1, 2009

2009-02: FUNKTIONEERING MAGAZINE is published by the Division of Functional Product Development at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. This inaugural issue has been made possible through the generous support provided by the Kempe Foundations to strengthen the collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and Stanford University. This issue primarily reports on some of the collaborative endeavours we have embarked on...

FUNKTIONEERING Magazine, No. 1, 2009

FUNKTIONEERING Magazine, No. 1, 2009

FUNKTIONEERING MAGAZINE is published by the Division of Functional Product Development at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. This inaugural issue has been made possible through the generous support provided by the Kempe Foundations to strengthen the collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and Stanford University. This issue primarily reports on some of the collaborative endeavours we have embarked on together...