
FUNKTIONEERING Magazine, No. 1, 2009

FUNKTIONEERING Magazine, No. 1, 2009

FUNKTIONEERING MAGAZINE is published by the Division of Functional Product Development at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. This inaugural issue has been made possible through the generous support provided by the Kempe Foundations to strengthen the collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and Stanford University. This issue primarily reports on some of the collaborative endeavours we have embarked on together...

ProViking THINK kick-off!

2008-09: September 23 was the day for the ProViking THINK (Teams for Heterogeneous Innovation Knowledge) kick-off. Partner representatives took part in the meeting. The project has a budget of 15 MSEK over three years. A project within the Product-Service System area This project aims to support PSS development teams to innovate by putting forward facilitating methods and tools. Specifically, the...

Professor Tobias C. Larsson held keynote in Tokyo

Professor Tobias C. Larsson held keynote in Tokyo

Professor Tobias C. Larsson was invited to hold a keynote speech at the SPRING (Service PRoductivity Innovation for Growth) seminar, held in conjunction with the CIRP conference, and Product-Service Systems workshop in Tokyo in May  The Product-Service Systems related keynote was entitled “Knowledge engineering and simulation support for product service system development” and address the research made by the PSS/FPD...

Tobias makes the final four

Professor Tobias Larsson is one of four finalists in the national competition “Technology Star 2008”, arranged by Dagens Teknik magazine. In “Dagens Teknik” (w.16, April 16, 2008), Professor Tobias Larsson is presented as one of four finalists in the magazine’s national competition “Teknikstjärnan” (Technology Star), which is a search for people who are doing important work in the technical domain...

Foresight Thinking Workshop at Stanford

Foresight Thinking Workshop at Stanford

2008-04: The Division of Functional Product Development and the Product Innovation Engineering program (PIEp) co-organized a workshop on the theme ‘Turning Foresight Thinking into Action’, held at Stanford University between March 31 and April 4, 2008. The workshop drew a total of 25 participants from Luleå University of Technology, Lund University, Royal Institute of Technology, Center for Technology, Medicine, and...

Knowledge Engineering research gives Volvo Aero technology award!

2008-03: The Volvo Aero Technology Award 2008 has been awarded Lars-Ola Normark, Patrik Boart, Petter Andersson and Ola Isaksson for the development, implementation and deployment of an Automated Design Optimization tool in the development of Jet engine components in the GEnx programme. The Product Development Management board motivates the decision to award the Automated Design Optimization tool the Volvo Aero...

Installation talks

Installation talks

Installation talks It is part of the academic tradition that newly installed professors hold an inaugural lecture is open to the public. Yesterday the time had come for Tobias Larsson (Professor) and Ola Isaksson (Adjunct Professor) to talk about their research interests. Adjunct Professor Ola Isaksson, Volvo Aero, began to share his views on the major challenges that exist when...

Chaired professor at Luleå University of Technology

Chaired professor at Luleå University of Technology

Professors installation During the 2007 academic celebration at Luleå University of Technology, Tobias Larsson was installed as chaired professor in Functional Product Development. Ola Isaksson, PhD, Volvo Aero, received his adjunct professor diploma at the same event.

Fukt i luften blir dricksvatten

Fukt i luften blir dricksvatten

Under läsåret 2007-2008 arbetar Luleå tekniska universitet med ett globalt projekt som ska utveckla en produkt för framställning av dricksvatten ur luftfuktighet. Projektet genomförs i samarbete med Stanford University i USA samt med Kungliga tekniska högskolan och Lunds tekniska högskola. Fyra av LTU:s studenter från utbildningarna i teknisk design samt Arena innovativ teknik och företagande, åkte i slutet av oktober...

Design för välbefinnande

Design för välbefinnande

Innovationer för människor – det är vad projektet ”Design för välbefinnande” vid Luleå tekniska universitet går ut på. Om människors behov fångas och tas tillvara väl kan tekniken hjälpa oss att må bättre, och det är denna grundsyn som vägleder elva av studenterna i årets upplaga av kursen SIRIUS – Kreativ produktutveckling. Tillsammans med studenter från Stanford University i Kalifornien...