
Let the machines talk! Towards data-driven product development

Leonardo da Vinci is remembered in history as a “universal genius”, he was an artist, a scientist, a mathematician and an engineer. He generated a huge amount of  ideas and sketches of  revolutionary concepts in his days. Although, almost none of these became reality. Why was it like that? What is the reason that brilliant ideas don’t become innovations – in...

From rocket science to everyday use: how BTH is transforming Value Driven Design research

Extended product warranties up to 10 years, leasing or pay-per-use schemes are just few examples of how manufacturing companies are shifting their focus from selling products to offering “solutions” (functional sales, product-service systems etc.), combining products and services. The opportunity to maximize customer value is a main reason for this, still great challenges remain when “value” is measured and communicated...

En hockeytokig professor med KHK-visioner!

En galen hockeyprofessor? Nej, men en hockeytokig farsa och teknikprofessor – som är oavlönad ordförande i en klubb med en omsättning uppemot 90 miljoner kronor. Sydöstran träffade KHK:s ordförande Tobias Larsson för att snacka SHL-succé, föreningsvisioner och en alltför snabb framgång som skapade huvudbry. Sydöstrans artikel här: Artikeln som PDF:östran.pdf

Raka puckar med professorn

BTH utbildningskatalog har en feature; “Raka puckar med Professorn”. Läs katalogen här:

Lyckat Robothon 2016!

Mekatronik för att sätta en basketboll! Under höstlovet passade vi på att tillsammans med Molybden och Hyper Island återigen arrangera ett Robothon för ungdomar i kommunen, det 4’e i ordningen i denna konstellationen. 30-40 ungdomar deltog under dagen i Hyper Islands kreativa lokaler, och 6 team valde att anta utmaningen att bygga en robot som klarade att få en basketball i korgen.

Radical Innovation Workshop; Applied healthcare and wearables

Globally, healthcare is under great pressure as the population increases; we live longer. In 2020 there will be more than 7.6 billion people. If the trend continues, a large percentage have problems with health. More than 30 percent of the world population are exercising too little, 20 percent are overweight and 13 percent are 60 years or older.