Christian Johansson

The state of Product Service System Research – IPSS 2016

The 8th CIRP IPSS CONFERENCE Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle was held 20-21 June 2016 in Bergamo (Italy). PDRL participated with 4 papers and a keynote. The conference in total had 95 papers and about 130 participants, all glad to see the large industry participation. Industry is getting keen on understanding how they deliberately can develop PSS solutions that are valid in terms...

NU2016 “Global studentsamverkan tillsammans med företag”

Christian Johansson och Tobias Larsson deltog på NU2016. NU, som står för nätverk och utveckling, är en nationell konferens som anordnas vartannat år och vänder sig till alla som är engagerade i svensk högre utbildning. Huvudsyftet med konferensen är att främja pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete genom att erbjuda en mötesplats för spridning, dialog och debatt. 2016 är den femte NU-konferensen i ordningen, och...

CX.LINK for Volvo CE delivered at Stanford Expe

The Volvo CE Stanford ME310 project has been completed with the annual Stanford EXPE atStanford University on June 2nd. Students from MSPI and Mechanical Engineering at BTH together with Mechanical Engineering counterparts at Stanford have presented their results for how autonomous machines should collaborate and build trust with their human collaborators at future construction sites.

Congratulations Christian, PhD!

Congratulations Christian, PhD!

On Dec. 18th, Christian Johansson, Division of Functional Product Development, presented and defended his Ph.D. thesis “Knowledge Maturity as Decision Support in Stage-Gate Product Development: a Case from the Aerospace Industry”. Opponent was Dave Randall, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the grading committee consisted of Docent Sofia Ritzén, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Professor Johan Ölvander, Linköpings Universitet and Professor Anita Mirijamdotter, Växjö...