dual use

KKS jubileumsdoktorand | 2025-2029

This project aims to develop an innovation methodology applicable to both civilian and defense-oriented sectors, with a focus on marine technology. The participating PhD student will focus on mechanical engineering with a connection to systems engineering, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the project. The team supporting the PhD student (Professor Tobias Larsson, postdoc Jenny Elfsberg, Assoicate Professor Oskar Frånberg) has expertise in innovation,...

Efficient Innovation Capability | 2024-2027

Project within joint BTH / Region Blekinge 50 MSEK initiative Innovation capability is at the core if you want to be able to rapidly adopt to new situations as anorganisation and to constantly improve your operation. This project will support an organisations’need to address upcoming challenges/problems (external and internal) and how to approachthose challenges by deploying minimum viable prototypes (digital...